Thursday 22 January 2009

A tearful goodbye

I saw my husband off at Heathrow this morning. It was a moment we'd both been dreading, and true to form, I wept rather embarrassingly as we said goodbye at security. He was pretty miserable too. I know, of course, that it's not as though I'm not going to see him again, but it felt pretty gut wrenching anyhow. It's going to be a very hard, very long month.

When I get home tonight I'm going to be confronted by a total and utter mess. We've been having our bathroom replaced, so there's dust and mess everywhere, and my husband has managed to create piles of stuff all over the house! I certainly have a massive job ahead of me clearing out the house and getting everything ready for letting.

In the short term, though: I've had a sausage sandwich, I've reapplied my make-up, and I'm going to have dinner with a friend. I'll survive...

But I miss him like hell.


  1. Must be so hard and it seems like forever now but 5 weeks will here before you know it!

  2. I can sympathise with the house in a mess! It's horrible when you miss them, but luckily, you have a great deal to look forward to.




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