Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Tricky path ahead

Sorry I haven't posted in a while - we've just got back from a lovely, and very necessary break. We headed away to the coast and spent a wonderful, relaxing week a long way away from all the obvious stresses, including (mostly) the internet. My husband unfortunately had to check the Net every day to keep up with (the lack of) job opportunities. It does make you long for those halcyon days when recruitment was mostly dealt with via a weekly newspaper and that wonderfully slow medium, snail mail!

I had a very depressing appointment with my consultant before we went away about my fertility problems. It seems it's going to be a tricky path ahead, one I had hoped we'd manage to avoid, but to no avail. It just seems so wrong that something which should be so private and personal should become so clinical and public! I must admit I veer daily between extreme pessimism - it's never going to work, I'm infertile, etc - to being vaguely optimistic. Perhaps it's my hormones. Time will tell, as they say.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, bless you! Well if anyone deserves a change in luck; it's you. I was just wondering how you were today actually




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