Sunday, 2 August 2009


Today has been a good day so far, despite a crappy night's sleep (thanks, Clomid!) I've just got back from an appointment with my consultant, and she said that my tests confirm I DEFINITELY ovulated last cycle! It feels amazing to know that my body seems to be working at least a little bit.

She also laid out the plans from now on - if we don't get pregnant this cycle I will have to have a test to check whether my fallopian tubes are blocked, and then if that's ok, we'll move on to IUI (inter-uterine insemination). A lot to think about, and I'm not looking forward to the test, as I hear this can be painful.

The other slightly good news today is that apparently my police clearance to work should be ready in 4 days! Then I think I just have another piece of paper to get (they love bureaucracy here) and I can be a working woman again! Hallelujah!


  1. Don't freak kout to much about the test to check your fallopian tubes. Honestly it wasn't that bad. I freaked out because everybody told me it hurt. Don't get me wrong it wasn't comfortable by any means. It felt more like a pinching of sorts. It was more like a "gee, that hurt. But I'm not scarred for life about it." Kinda thing. Good Luck!

  2. Awesome news....Good things are coming your way!

  3. such good news on both fronts!

    for the hsyterioselpinogram (that's not how it's spelled at all, but that's my best guess) - my doc prescribed pain meds (nothing hardcore) so that I wouldn't be bothered by the cramping afterwards. People respond very differently to this test, so it could be easy as pie for you :-)

    good luck!! yay for ovulation!!




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