Friday, 3 April 2009


It's been an odd few days. My poor husband's line training is pretty much entirely made up of night flights, so consequently we've both been living in a sort of twilight world.

If I was at home in the UK this wouldn't be the case - I'd be at work, or out of the house visiting friends or doing chores - but here, without (as yet) my local driving licence, I'm restricted to our flat and the compound for my entertainment. And the problem is that, in common with all accommodation here, our floors are tiled and every noise in the flat is magnified by the echo, so I'm having to tiptoe around the flat to avoid waking my husband. Hence the computer is my access to the outside world as I sit, with headphones on, playing the Sims/writing my blog/sending emails, hoping that my husband's managing to sleep through the noise of the kids playing outside. Oh, and it's raining today. In the Middle East! Amazing as it sounds, it's actually overcast and rainy outside. Still, no doubt the sun will come out tomorrow (as the song goes) - it usually does here!!

Having said that I'm stuck in the flat, last night that actually wasn't the case. I met a very nice woman last week in the toilets at church (as you do!) and she invited me to a dinner party last night at her apartment across town. I got a taxi there and back, and it was well worth it. She invited ten very friendly, very interesting, very welcoming expats, and it was so much fun. The sort of people who move here are generally the adventurous type, so you can pretty much guarantee that conversation will never be dull. Sitting at a table eating a lovely meal, drinking lovely wine, and being entertained by lovely people certainly made me realise how exciting and rewarding the expat experience can be.

More of that, please....

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to meet a nice lady in the bathroom who would invite me to a fabulous dinner with other expats. Still a bit of a struggle with me in the friend department. Expat life can be great but challenging!




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